At “Beyond PLAY” we are formed with the total child in mind, we prioritize the entire family well-being in collaboration with other educators and providers. Offering a passion-driven education model, differing from what we know as traditional to an unconventional style, with a holistic approach to learning, mindset and development, we provide a unique, creative and flexible knowledge experience with no pressure for standardized tests.
We create personalized education by customizing educational plans based on the child’s academic levels, and with an implementation process based on their learning style. We promote self-development programs for personal growth and mindfulness, and skills-based enrichment programs using our community as part of our biggest classroom, collaborating with other entrepreneurs and professionals in the area that support our vision.

Together we are able to serve our community by offering bilingual K-12 education options, microschool programs, homeschool support, tutoring, enrichments, social clubs, family wellness and more all in one place!
Our philosophy revolves around fostering a dynamic and enriching learning environment where passion, purpose, and personal growth are at the forefront. We believe that by embracing these principles, we can empower students to thrive academically, personally, and professionally, preparing them to lead fulfilling lives and make meaningful contributions to the world around them.
We count on a range of qualified educators, guides, and instructors that understand our learners’ needs using a gentle teaching approach with compassionate and conscious discipline applying a mix of learning models from Maria Montessori, Reggio and Emilia, Waldorf, Charlotte Mason, and others.

Our mission is to reach families that are seeking for a place where their learners feel welcome, included, safe, equal, and a sense of belonging. Families in need of language preservation support, throughout our bilingual programs. We’re open to everyone feeling their children are not thriving in a traditional setting no matter their condition or labels. In our space we are all equally capable to succeed in our own peace, in a way all of us can easily understand the process with no judgment and fear of failure.
Our goal is to provide a Passion Learning Approach Year-round (PLAY) solutioning education differently for a better future, engaging and nurturing curiosity and an independent love for learning.
Did you know!
We are a Step Up for Students direct billing providers! Search for PLAY K-12 in the providers section of the Market Place. Then, select your preferred location. Under services scroll down until you find the services and programs you would like to reserve funds for, select your quantity, then add them to the shopping cart, repeat this step if needed. When done, go to cart to check out the reservation of your funds. Follow the prompts. Last, send us an email at hello@playschoolacademy.com to let us know that funds where reserved. Thanks!